View Analytics
Analytics are shown during and after node syncing. The View Analytics feature allows you to access multiple reports in various formats, such as graphs, pie charts, and more. Additionally, you can verify CPU utilization, node and network deployment processes, logs, and alerts.
Follow these steps to access the analytics:
Step 1: Navigate to View Network - On the left navigation, click on the Validator Nodes under the Manage Services menu item. On the Polkadot network card, click on the ellipsis and then click on the View Network option.
Step 2: Navigate to View Analytics - On the Network details page, click on the View Analytics link.
Step 3: Analytics Sub-menu - The options below will be displayed once you click View Analytics.
Polkadot Log
Polkadot Alerts
Here, you can see the machine’s health & status in different formats where the node is running. In the Node tab, you can see the following data:
CPU used
RAM used
Swap used
Root FS used
Here, you can see blockchain-related information. In the Polkadot, you can see the following data:
Height of the chain
Bandwidth bytes usage per second
Tasks Rate
Running Tasks
Peers Connected and Discovered
State Cache DB
GRANDPA Validator Messages
State Cache
Queued Blocks(sync)
No. of Transactions(Ready Queue)
No. of Leaves
Polkadot Logs
Here, you can see the logs.
Polkadot Alerts
Here, you can see machine alerts, status, and severity. A filter option is available to search for any particular alert.
Last updated